Credit Card Fees
Credit Card fees will continue to be refunded through the end of March 2021. Beginning April 01, 2021, fees will no longer be refunded.
City Hall Closing 3/16/2020 @ 1 PM
In order to protect our customers and our employees, our payment office will be closed to the public starting at 1:00 PM today. This closure is in effect until further notice. Our customers may use our various payment options, including our drop box at City Hall. Our employees will continue to be available to help […]
Customer Notice
RWSG’s primary concern, as always, is the health and safety of our customers, community and employees. Please review the available payment options that will allow payments to be made at any time from your own home. Please be safe and take care of your families.
Gas Survey
Rockwood Natural Gas will be conducting a mandated survey of current and potential gas customers relative to safety and knowledge of natural gas. The survey is short and you will not be asked account or personal information for this survey. In order to assist us in providing the most efficient service, please answer the survey […]
January Board Meeting
RWSG Board meeting will be at City Hall January 28, 2020 at 6:00pm
Updated Bill From
Attention Customers! We are proud to announce our new billing statement format. It is easier to read and has more information about your account. We have included many utility policies and information on the back of the bill for your reference. If you wish to go paperless, please call our office. Thank you for allowing […]
WorkShop Cancelled
Workshop Cancelled
Board Meeting Date Change
The Rockwood Water Sewer and Gas Board will meet on Thursday, January 24, 2019 at 6:00 PM at City Hall. This is a change from our regular schedule.